Anticipation of Something Greater

Have you ever heard of some news that made you so excited to the point of insanity? In a few days, my band friends and I, are going to have an opportunity to go to the Bahamas. Exciting, is it not? Our schedule takes us to Florida for a couple of days then, a cruise to the Bahamas to nicely end out the rest of Spring Break.

After seeing Titanic and Life of Pi recently, going on a ship for a couple of days does not seem appealing to me.  Not at all. Of course the chances of experiencing those disasters are very slim, but still, going on a cruise can frightening and exciting at the same time.

I have personally been to many different destinations in my life’s experiences.  My travel destinations range from the good old United States, Mexico, Canada, and the Asian continent.  You would think I’d have more experience of controlling my anxiety with traveling…but unfortunately, I still have the jitters traveling away from home.
But of course, at home, I retain the same schedule I have been using for the past few years: study, eat, and sleep – repeat. Going on a vacation, as you would call it, would seem appetizing, hands down.
Going on a journey may actually outweigh the boredom of home life,  by  simply overcoming the anxiety I must put myself through.   It may seem trivial to actually have the fear of leaving home, when at the same time, I want to leave the place I had lived all my life-so badly.  Although it is just for a week, a short time away can actually do wonders to help improve your life.
Going with friends, especially band friends, would  likely deepen the bond that already exists.  Any trip with friends, really, would probably do the same job! Companions that accompany you on a trip, would always make any occasion more fun than it was, originally.
However, I would please recommend for you, the reader, to take  a step back for a moment (figuratively).  Have you ever experienced excitement and fear the same time?  Similar to what I’ve mentioned it before,  I have firsthand experience on these thoughts and emotions.  It’s perfectly normal to have those feelings. As my English teacher had put it, c’est la vie! That’s life!
But my dear reader,”adventure’s out there”! Take the risk to give yourself a chance to break free from the norm.  It can very well be liberating.   In my case,I will negate my fears of traveling, in order to the Bahamas and Florida.  This trip may be my ‘moment’ to  free myself from everyday life – even if it is just for a moment.
And I must bid you, my fellow bloggers, adieu.
**Authors Note:
Thank you so much for reading this week’s blog! I really hope that you can relate the feelings I have conveyed towards each and every one of you in this article.  However, remember to relax- even the relaxing may sometimes be even outside of your comfort zone!
But on a side note – did you hear about the building of a second Titanic? If not, if you have the time, do please check out this BBC article on this very topic! Happy reading!
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